Monday 17 June 2019

Back to Ulvön, 17 June 2019

Leaving Barsta and Bönhamn, we continue up north for a short ride to Ulvön, still deserted at this time of the year, before the seasonal peak.

The Ulvön bay

It is fascinating to notice how the land uplift affects the houses in Ulvön. The boat shelter at the left of this house has almost completely dried out.

Ulvön is the largest island in Högakusten, and the most visited one. But as of mid-June, we are the only boat on the hotel wharf! It was a fishing village for fishermen from Gävle who used to come and fish Baltic herring in these waters every summer, since the XVI century. The fishing industry is still active in Ulvön, but the surströmming factory was moved to the main land in Skaghamn.

Hooks to hang fishing nets
 The surströmming is a specialty of this region. It consist of fermented herrings that are canned. They are famous in Sweden and beyond for their particularly 'strong' smell and taste. See future posts in Skaghamn for details.
Surströmming shop

The Ulvön chapel

Below is one of the very famous votive ships in Swedish churches and chapels, the "Gustaf från Gefle" (Gävle) dating 1770.

Besides the small fishermen chapel, there is a church in Ulvön, with another votive ship, the "RÅÅ MENTOR".

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