Thursday, 13 June 2019

Third stop in Kuggören - 12 & 13 June 2019

Kuggören again. We stopped there twice in 2016 on our way to Umeå, and we liked it so much! So we stopped again this year on our way up north. It remains a must stop coup de cœur for any sailor passing by.

The bay of Kuggören

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Gävle - Synskär, 10 June 2019

Once Belisama fixed, we needed to get back on our schedule in order to be in Umeå on 20 June as expected. Very pleasant first bit from Gävle to Synskjär, where we will moor on the SXK buoy.
Sailing up north to Synskär

Monday, 10 June 2019

Replacing the stern gland, Gävle, 10 June

On the post about the start of the 2019 season, I was showing Belisama being lifted, antifouled, and put back to waters. At the time, I did not do a good job in purging the stern gland (the seal on the propeller shaft), and a few days after getting back to waters, we got into a crisis with hundreds of litres of waters in the hull.

What sounded at the time as a major crisis that could jeopardise the start of the season, ended-up smooth and easy as we happened to be passing Gävle...

Belisama on the good care of Christer in Gävle Fliskärvärket