Tuesday, 25 May 2021

How to kill a battery bank, 25 May 2021

 I noted at the end of the last season that my service batteries were not really holding their charge. At night particularly, since the solar panels were not producing any electricity. From Cherbourg, we mainly sailed at night, and every time, after a few hours at night, I was getting an alarm indicating that the voltage of the batteries was getting too low. 

If I ignored the alarm, after another half-an-hour, the whole system would collapse, to the extent that I had even difficulties to start the engine! Not to mention that when starting the engine, I had another alarm for a too high voltage. So what was going on?

The hidden missing black cable, 25 May 2021

I started recently having a new electrical problem when starting the engine. An alarm would be triggered for the engine alternator producing more than 15 volts of power. A red scary beeping alarm triggered the minute you start the engines. And by the way, I had to start the engine in the middle of the night while sailing through the Raz-de-Sein because of a general battery failure...

The Mastervolt alarm message is a bit cryptic. The only understandable part is "hypertension". A as common problem for boats as for humans?

No trust in our bow thruster, 25 May 2021

At the start of the 2021 season in Cherbourg, as we were ready to depart in one of our narrow weather windows for a night ride to Aber-Wrac'h, I had the nasty surprise as we were leaving the cat-way under serious wind that the bow-thruster did not respond to my attempts to use it. 

Trying it before freeing the mooring lines will be on our departure checklist now on! But what happened to it?

Monday, 24 May 2021

Happy birthday La MaLouine!

 La MaLouine, a Brise de Mer 31 from 1974, is being celebrated in the 50th anniversary issue of the magazine "Voiles et voiliers".

Double page picture in the magazine (Picture by Jean-Marie Liot)

I am feeling very proud of this celebration, as I resurrected La MaLouine in 2008 when I found her in a field near Norrköping in Sweden! Let me tell you a bit her story...