Saturday, 3 September 2016

A mushroom week - 3 September 2016

The week started Monday, on the way to the office where I came across these young parasol mushrooms. They usually appear in rings in the pastures called fairy rings in English, but witch rings in French! 

I was not equipped to pick them. Therefore, I came back the day after with a knife and a bag...

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Symetrical or asymmetrical? 26 August 2016

For Belisama, I opted for a Code 0 and an asymmetrical spinnaker. This allows covering most of the wind directions most effc-iciently, except the real back wind, where I was really missing the old symmetrical spinnaker of La Malouine. 

Following an encounter with Flocon de mer, I decided to experiment a bit...

More meteors on the way to Öja - 22/25 August 2016

Fog bow
A fog bow to start the trip, on the way to Huvudskär. Second one that I ever saw. Fogbows are rainbow in the fog rather than in the rain. The droplets are so small that they do not decompose he sun light in primary colors, but rather result in a white arc. Interestingly, their diameter is usually smaller (around 35°) than for rainbows (42°). Note the probable anticrepuscular ray pointing up-right. 

Through the Draget Canal - 24 August 2016

The Draget Canal is a straight between the main land around Nynäshamn and the island of Järflotta. It is the small section heading north in the middle of the map, coming from Nynäshamn. I had long heard of the canal as La Malouine homeport was not very far, on the west side of the peninsula. However, being indicated as 1.5 meter deep was preventing the 1.8 meter deep "brise de mer" to attempt passing through.

The weather forecast for the morning was very light winds from SSW, right in the nose, meaning a couple of hours on engine to reach Öja. Engine for engine, we decided to go through the canal. The marina captain is not very optimistic about the success as the canal was last dragged 35 years ago... Being seven meters large does not allow reversing!

With Sweden rising-up almost one centimetre every year, it should be 30 centimetres shallower than by then.

Therefore, not a problem for an OVNI...