Friday, 7 July 2017

Utklippan, coup de coeur, indeed - 6 July 2017

Indeed, Utklippan is an extraordinary experience. We arrived there coming from Karlskrona around 16:30, along with five other boats seeking shelter in the small artificial basin built in the 30s' to provide shelter to local fishermen. We all found a place alongside each other.  

Utklippan, Belisama on the second row on the left...

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Karlskrona - 4 to 6 July 2017

Karlskrona is the the main navy Swedish base in southern Baltic. The whole city feels like military, reminding me of Toulon in France. We are welcomed by HMS Falken, the 1947 training ship for the cadets of the Swedish navy, followed by three small luggers much faster that used to be the one collecting intelligence on the enemy ships in preparation of naval battles.

Karlskrona has the most beautiful marine museum that we have seen in Sweden...

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Back on sailing, Grönhögen - Karlskrona, 4 July 2017

After two days of gale in Grönhögen, the forecast was fine today to allow us to sail to Karlskrona. Two nights quite sleepless given how shaky was Belisama in Grönhögen with westerly winds. Late evening, she even broke one of her 20 mm diameter mooring lines with the noise of a broken guitar string!

The Kastellet at the entrance of Karlskrona. 
But after a fine day of sailing, Karlskrona was preparing a dark welcome...

Monday, 3 July 2017

Gale in Grönhögen - 3 July 2017

Gale warning in Kalmar sound today. After reviewing the forecast, we decide to stay in Grönhöden for the day to avoid winds over 15 m/s. One more day on the bikes to further explore the area. Today, destination Gräsgård ham, on the east coast of Öland. 

Gräsgård hamn, southeast coast of Öland
The milky colour of the water remains a mystery. One hint, it stinks like rotten fish...

Sunday, 2 July 2017

On vacation! Kalmar - Grönhögen, 30 June to 2 July 2017

Friday 31 evening, we take a train from Stockholm to Kalmar. In fact, it will take us 8 hours, starting with a bus, then a train, then a bus, and finally a taxi that covers the last 100 kilometres and drops us by Kalmar at 1:30 int the morning.
25 miles, with North wind. A pleasure, after lots of tacking in recent weeks.

Our new crew member, Mišo, arrives at 13:00 and we decide to leave Kalmar by 17:00, under rain and heavy winds from the north. Our neighbour dares asking us what we enjoy in sailing under these conditions... But we know that the weather will clear-up and we want to have the full day tomorrow to enjoy Grönhögen...