Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Now heading south, to Maloren and Sandskär, 3 July 2019

Maloren was one the highlight of our summer, at least in the list of places to visit in Bottenviken. Maybe because it is on the cover page of the SXK pilot book, or because of the post of Cybèle 17... We did go there, with 12 m/s (25 knots) side winds, to realise that it would not be a good idea to force our way to the old destroyed harbour in those conditions. Very frustrating indeed,  but certainly wise given the recent experience in Rödkallen.

Maloren, from a distance...
 So, we moved along...

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Beaching in Seskarö, 2nd July 2019

Beaching on a sand beach is not something that you will do often in Sweden. However, in Grotviken, Seskarö island, this is the practice as there is a sand ridge on which sailing boats can beach, even if they have keels, as the slope is stiff. You therefore need to draw an anchor on the back...

But then, what an experience during the midnight sun nights. Despite the mosquitoes...

Monday, 1 July 2019

Further north, Renskär, 1st July 2019

Leaving Luleå on Mon,day 1st July, we make small journey up north to Renskär (65.650473, 22.972627), a small natural harbour equipped with a pontoon.

The pontoon at Renskär
 A very nice stopover after these busy days in the "city"...

Sunday, 30 June 2019

A pause in Luleå, 27 - 30 June 2019

Luleå, a pause on our summer transhumance, after already 626.3 nautical miles in 5 weeks. Stéphane is getting back home after more than four weeks on board, and Kaja and Mišo are getting in for the next couple of weeks.
The new crew
As you can imagine, this is the opportunity to shop, to wash, to fix things, to clean, to recover and enjoy for a few days staying still. But Luleå has more than that to offer...