Wednesday, 14 June 2023

To Lastovo, 13 June 2023

Departure from Lopud at 7:00 am, heading for Lastovo, 26 nautical miles today.

Lopud anchorage
What an interesting day of sailing!
With a well establihed summer weather situation in Croatia, we experienced today the ultimate "solar winds". Solar winds means that the winds tend to come from the direction of the sun the whole day long. And this is what happened to us. 

Globally, today, we had a 26 miles ride toward West. But initially, we headed north east to get out of the Lopud anchorage, relying on on a close reach tack under genoa to cope with the North-Eastern land breathe. Then we headed north west to get around Lopud, to Lastovo as the wind tend to turn southward as the day evolved. We therefore raised the Code 0 to maximise the speed. After 2 hours, the wind further turned south, still in the 4 m/s and we switched sails from Code 0 to  the asymetric spinnaker. As winds continued turning clockwise we had to put the spinnaker pole to make the asymetric spinnaker behave like a traditional symetric splinaker, before to jibe to the other tack and remove the spinnaker pole to make it asymetric again. Not long after as the "solar winds" continued their rotation, we got back under Code 0, to finish the day under genoa for our final ride to Laskovo. Interesting sailing, much appreciated by this week crew who are here genuinely interested to learn about sailing techniques.  

The picture below shows the asymmetrical spinnaker mounted on a spinnaker pole to make if behave as a symmetrical traditional spinnaker. I leaned this technique from "Flocon de mer" in 2016. We got a good knot boost under our wind circumstances. 

We reached Lastovo by 18:00, just in time for rushing by bike to the local food shop 4 km away in order to replenish the fridge!

Lastovo is a national park as well, with very nice and scenic anchorage. 

Belisama on anchor in Lastovo. 

So far in 2023, 1195 nautical miles

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