Thursday, 22 June 2023

In Uvala Przine, 22 June 2023

We spent the day very quietly in Uvala Przine as the forecast was for no wind at all until the middle of the night. I started diving with my tank to remove the piece of rope tangled in the propeller that I had noticed yesterday. There were a lot of saddled sea-bream around the boat and they were very curious about me. These seabreams (Orada) are small but delicious and I managed to hook one with a piece of bread on a hook, using the Rusquet technique from Marseille!

This done, given the exceptional level of heat around here, we spent the day on the water trying to cool down!
The first task was to remove the rope entangled around the propeller shaft. It only took me a few minutes, using the comfort of the diving bottle, to remove it in the middle of a shoal of sea breams. 
Diving selfy!

It was easy to remove the rope and I do not think it had much implication on the performance of the propeller. 

This is what I got off the propeller shaft.

More sea breams, as I spent most of the day snorkeling to escape the unbearable heat in the cove.

Consulting Windy, I realised that we're going to get supporting southerly winds on our way to Pula tonight, surfing on the land breeze which is expected to appear around 23:00. We will then set our sails to take advantage of these winds and plan to arrive in Pula early tomorrow morning, 24 hours before the announced bora warning for the entire region.

The night should be clear, with Venus and the young moon already shining at 21:00.

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