Tuesday, 5 November 2019

4 November - Lid and Floda churches

Lid church
Floda church
A weekend to visit two new churches decorated by Albertus Pictor...
Lid church is one of the churches decorated by Albertus Pictor. It is located in the Södermanland county, close to Strängnäs, about one hour from Stockholm. The paintings are dating between 1460 and 1470. As for most of these churches, the first chuch that was built in the XIIIth century was expanded in the XVth century when the sacristy was added. The paintings were covered with lime in the XVIIIth century. They were rediscovered and restored in the 1870s'.
It seems that these paintings were probably the first master work of Albertus Pictor, explaining why he painted a self-portrait in the church.

Inside the church
Triumphant crucifix
Tinted glass above the altar

Saint Olof travels

Floda church is another of the churches decorated by Albertus Pictor. It is located one hundred kilometeres out of Stockholm and around 2 hours from Nyköping marina, the closest marina. The medieval church was built around the 12OO's. In the 14th century, the church was expanded with new arches and traverses.

Two Esop fables: The fox guest banquet for the stork and Stork's guest banquet for the Fox.

St. Michael as a self-esteem. The weighing bowl with man is weighed down.
More on Lid church and Floda church on BalticSailors.

1 comment:

  1. You MUST write a book about Albertus Pictor and his chapels!I order the first one.
