Thursday 23 July 2020

Forgotten fata morgana, Djurö, 1st July

Witnessing a fata morgana is always a special event. I realised that I forgot to process the pictures I took of a fata morgana on first of July on our way from Sjötorp to Djurö...

The typical aspect of a fata morgana in our cold countries, is a reflection of the horizon on a cold layer of air which superimpose to the horizon line its inverted picture. On the picture above, you can see a line between the sea and the horizon, and the islands and vegetation on the horizon being replicated in an inverted way above the sea.
The two islands closer to us on the horizon are not affected by the phenomenon.

As for the tip of the island below, it is clear that it is not pointing above the sea level as it looks like. In fact, the inverted replication of the horizon line appears clearly when looking at the symmetrical pattern below the lighthouse or on the pole at the right of the lighthouse. 

I cannot refrain from attempting to imitate Erik Johansson picture manipulations as seen in a recent exhibition in Stockholm. See below my first attempt, and below it the original Erik Johansson picture.

1 comment:

  1. Je découvre cet y a tellement de poésie dans son expression....superbe ginou
