Friday 7 July 2017

Utklippan, coup de coeur, indeed - 6 July 2017

Indeed, Utklippan is an extraordinary experience. We arrived there coming from Karlskrona around 16:30, along with five other boats seeking shelter in the small artificial basin built in the 30s' to provide shelter to local fishermen. We all found a place alongside each other.  

Utklippan, Belisama on the second row on the left...
Utklippan is one of the lighthouse built every 50 miles along the coast of Sweden. There was a guy on maintenance mission on the lighthouse when we come by. He let use in indicating that he had recounted the stairs and that we could go up at our own risks! The view from the lighthouse if breathtaking!  

Utklippan from the lighthouse.
 As a nice attention, minutes after we entered the basin, a French flag was put on the mast (second from the right on the picture).

Pinguins watching ferries heading to Karlskrona.

The following morning, we leave at 8 for Kristiansø. But as soon as we exit the island, we start hearing seals, without initially seing them. In fact, hundreds of them are basking on the rocks just south of the island. We had never seen so many seals in a given place int eh Baltic. Amazing.

Large seal colonies on the rocks off Utklippan.
The picture below shows the largest colony of seals we have seen. Quite noisy, but well organised, as a dozen seals dived in the water as we were passing by, ensuring the we were just peacefully passing by.

Click to enlarge...
Seals basking on the rocks, Utklippan.


  1. I said to you it was fantastic! and you were lucky to climb the lighthouse!

  2. salut denis! on ne s'était pas arrêté mais même en passant au ralenti près de l'île c'était un super coup de coeur, j'ai le même genre de photos de phoques...
