Monday 3 July 2017

Gale in Grönhögen - 3 July 2017

Gale warning in Kalmar sound today. After reviewing the forecast, we decide to stay in Grönhöden for the day to avoid winds over 15 m/s. One more day on the bikes to further explore the area. Today, destination Gräsgård ham, on the east coast of Öland. 

Gräsgård hamn, southeast coast of Öland
The milky colour of the water remains a mystery. One hint, it stinks like rotten fish...

It is still an active fishing boat harbour. Below is Anny's boat. She is holding the fish and chips buvette on the harbour, and takes good care of our hypoglycaemia after the 15 km ride!

 On the way back, facing very strong wind, we get the time to look at the flowers along the road...

Back on Belisama for a sous-vide Osso bucco. Belisama is shaking like never. Despite 7 lines with shock absorbers, we fill like a cork in a whirlpool. Second night without much sleeping ahead of us.

I have tried everything: short tight lines trying to keeping us steady by the pier, or a bit looser lines to let Belisama move by herself. Nothing work. Let me know your trick to sleep during a gale when the wind and the waves are keeping the boat restless!

1 comment:

  1. Je ne vois rien d'autre que de gros amortisseurs d'amarres, elles-mème les plus longues possibles: c'est ce que j'ai fait à Haparanda par F7-8, mais il faut un peu de place.
