Tuesday 9 November 2021

What to do on All Saints Day in Sweden, on 6 November 2021?

All Saints Day in Sweden is always the first Saturday of November, therefore not related to the 1st of November, the religious date. By then, the days are very short, the temperature around 5°, the mushroom season finished, and the snow not arrived yet! However, on All Saints Day in Sweden, you can be sure that every church and chapel will be opened for the day. And only in the Stockholm area, you can find dozen of churches dating from the Middle-Ages, and decorated with fantastic frescoes. Therefore, we rushed to visit three of them...

Jonas and the whale, Danmark church

We visited Almunge, Tensta, Danmark and Odensala church...

Almunge Church

Almunge church was buit in the 13th century. The original paintings are from Albertus Pictor. They were restored in 1910/1911 and 1963.

Almunge Church

View to the altar towards the East

Jonas and the whale, Almunge Church

More on Almunge church on Baltic Sailors...

Tensta Church

Tensta churchn was built at then end of the 13th century in the brick gothic style. The frescoes in the church are signed by the master Johannes Rosenrod in 1437.

Tensta Church

Tensta Church, towards the organ

The shipwreck of the mother of Saint Birgit

More on Tensta church on Baltic Sailors...

Danmark Church

The oldest part of Danmark church dates from the XIVth century. Some of the paintings on the vault are attributed to Johannes Rosenrod while most of the other are attributed to Albertus Pictor. However, most of the painting were heavily restored in the late XIXth century.

Danmark Church

The nave towards the West

Crusades of Saint Olof

Saint Olaf was the King Olaf II of Norway. Olaf was a viking having raided the England coasts. In 1014, on his way back to Norway, he wintered in Normandy with the Duke Richard II. This is where he converted to christianity and was baptised in the Rouen. In memory of the "Normans" ruling Normandy at the time, there is one version of the flag of Normandy representing the Scandinavian cross (called Olaf's cross) along with the two leopards.

The Olaf cross Normandy flag

More on Danmark church on Baltic Sailors...

Odensala church

The oldest parts of Odensala church are dating 12th century with several extensions having taken place in the Middle-Ages. Paintings overall are in very good conditions a nd Odensala is one of the most picturesc chuch around Stockholm. Pictures below are just a sample of the richness of the frescoes as we got there after sunset with strong artificial lights preventing taking pictures in many areas. 

Odensala church (Wikipedia)

Interior towards the East

The big fish catch

More on Odensala church on Baltic Sailors...

All decorated churches on Baltic Sailors...

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