Tuesday 18 May 2021

Back to "Les Sables", right in time! 15-16 May

Once in Port-Haliguen, a new gale warning, with gusts up to 20m/s (Beaufort 8), prevented us from departing the following morning for Sables d'Olonne. 

Forecasted wind gust for 15 May, 6:00. Scary!

We waited until late afternoon for decreasing winds and made it by 18:00 for a new night cruise with 10 to 14m/s winds...Then, the ride was uneventful, under staysail and one reef, averaging 7 knots with side winds 9-11 m/s and supportive currents almost all the way.

Sunset passing Hoedic

We arrived around 8:00 in Sables d'Olonne and waited at the visitor peer for getting a spot. Mooring there without a bow thruster was quite stressful as winds were blowing 10 m/s sideways, chasing us away from the cat-way towards the neighbouring boat. 

This was the final segment of our planned May cruise from Cherbourg to Sables d'Olonne for my crew of beginners. What should have been a nice exploration of the many "coups de cœur" along the coast of Brittany became three long night rides (147nm, 128nm and 83nm). It became an intense study of winds and currents, best predictive weather forecast models, routage, planning of escape routes and emergency sheltering spots, and more.

Cherbourg-Les Sables d'Olonne, a 358nm ride

But we made it and it was a good feeling to be back where Belisama was born prematurely. On Monday 17 May, I had the planned visit of the manager of the after-sale services at Alubat. He set the plan for the due work on Belisama very efficiently, and I am confident that I will be able to continue our cruise towards the Mediterranean as planned on 1st of June. 

Interestingly, he mentioned that they have never had so many orders for new OVNI boats as since the COVID pandemic started. These long-haul sailing cruisers are addressing a public of "nomadsea" sailors (please, watch the Nomadland movie), and the Covid taught them the lesson that one should not delay such life changing projects as disease and pandemic can strike at any time! Years of waiting list now for getting a n ew OVNI.

Sables d'Olonne is the location of the famous Lagoon catamaran sailing cruisers. The Lagoon company is producing one new lagoon sailing boat every day! However, the Covid pandemic has delayed the delivery of the boats as orders are mainly originating from sailing. boat renting companies from all around the world, and the crews to convoy them to destination are facing difficulties to get around in these pandemic times. They end-up getting packed along the pier and on the parking lot of the harbor, waiting for better times.

The Lagoon pier in Port Olonna, Sables d'Olonne

And a quick tour around to day to get new provisions on board reminded me that Sables d'Olonne is still a very active fishing harbour, which is reassuring!

The fishing harbour in Sables d'Olonne

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