Monday 30 April 2018

2018 season opening in Artipelag! - 28 & 29 April 2018

April this year will be the first cruise of the season. The Saturday 28 was not very nice though, but later in the afternoon the sky cleared and we got a nice setting sun when departing from Wasahamnen. See the rainbow on the right of the picture below. The rain had stopped just half an hour ago.

Passing along the bank of the Stockholm waters where used to be the mills. I take this opportunity to verify that the pilot is functioning normally now.

Arriving in Artipelag around 21:00, with a great sense of loneliness.

Rain during the whole night, with 3°C outside. The Antarctic Dickinson diesel heater gets us to 21°C nicely inside, but has to be stopped during the night.

Artipelag is currently presenting a most interesting exhibition about the Bloombury group of artists and intellectuals in London during the first part of the XXth century. The economist John Maynard Keynes, the philosopher Bertrand Russel, the writer Virginia Wolf or the painters Roger Fry were among the most famous members of the group.

A very well done refreshing exhibition. A must!

Kitchen of the Bloombury house

Flowers, by Roger Fry, 1912
Then we came back to Wasahamnen through the same route.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the first trip! I receive MarineTraffic advices ;-))
