Tuesday 4 October 2016

Arholma - Landsort, old edition, 4 October 2016

A good friend of mine offered me recently the book Arholma - Landsort, in its version from 1971. This is the book all archipelago sailors have onboard as it gives the tips and tricks to get in all natural harbors of the archipelago. This was a good reminder of what was sailing before the GPS era...

By curiosity, I looked at the current representation in the various electronic charts...
First, let's look at the 2010 edition of the same book. You will first notice the relative change of shape in the form of the coast line. Oxen is getting quite larger, so does Oxkobbsgrunden. Can it be the result of the elevation of the land from the Baltic, which should be around 30 centimeters between 1970 and 2010. This would be enough to change the landscape. However, the depths indicated for the three rocks at Nässeludden have remained the same...

The island of the bishop, in the sailing guide to the archipelago, 2010
Navionics is pretty similar to the book, with the alignment of the two marks indicated. Rocks and depths are precisely identical, suggesting using the same primary material... The lines for two and three meter depth are indicated.
Garmin is very similar as well. Same look and feel, with maybe a bit less details on the coastline.
With Eniro disappears the two meter depth line, but the nine meter line does. Otherwise, most of the detailed depth information is missing. Not very inviting for a close exploration of the shore line.
Pretty similar for Seapilot!
Sea Pilot
The inner bay of Huvudskär, from the 1971 pilot book.
Picture from the very same spot in 2016 
Looking carefully at the two pictures gives indeed the impression that the land is raising above the sea level. Look at the points on the right of the picture. Quite visible in a lifetime of a sailor!

Finally, a classic completely forgotten nowadays. The coastline, allowing you to know where you arrive during the pre-GPS area. Note the nice way to indicate the notes by a number of birds on the picture relating the number of the note under the picture. Nice attention for the reader!

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